Web Inspection WI8 display.
Web Inspection WI8 Bar.
Web Inspection WI8 Screen.


The web inspection system scans the entire width of the paper web, acquiring at full speed high-resolution images on the full surface of each page and comparing them to a related “golden sample” in order to carry out many different kinds of quality and contend check. Printing quality and content errors are identified at an early stage, thereby triggering immediate action and reducing both, downtimes and the amount of wasted paper.


The system can be integrated as simplex and duplex color versions for the following devices and printers:

Web Inspection WI8 with Dynamic Processor DP8.
WI8 mit DP8
Web Inspection WI8 with Web Merger WM8.
WI8 mit WM8
Web Inspection WI8 with Cutter CS8 and external display.
WI8 with CS8 and external display
Web Inspection WI8 with printer integration.
WI8 with printer integration
Web Inspection WI8.
WI8 as stand-alone solution