IHZ Innovation Award 2023
What an unforgettable day here in snowy Wikon! We are delighted to celebrate the presentation of the Innovation Award of the Industrie- und Handelskammer Zentralschweiz IHZ together with two other impressive companies.
Congratulations to the award winners Rigitrac Traktorenbau AG from Küssnacht am Rigi for the first purely electrically powered series tractor, Rigitrac! Also applause for Swisens AG from Emmen, which is doing pioneering work with its new solution for automatic pollen monitoring!
About IHZ
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Central Switzerland IHZ is one of a total of 18 chambers of commerce and industry in Switzerland. The IHZ is Central Switzerland’s competence center for economic policy and export. Independent of party politics, it represents over 700 companies in the cantons of Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden and Nidwalden as an important regional network. In addition to its tasks in the areas of economic policy and export as well as its networking activities, the IHZ is also involved in education. For example, IHZ actively contributes to the transfer of knowledge as the organizer of business weeks at schools in Central Switzerland, as co-owner of the Swiss School for International Business or with individualized export seminars.
Review of IHZ: https://www.ihz.ch/news/artikel/anlaesse-rueckblick-ihz-innovationspreisfeier-2023/