Starbook book solution
The future of book production
The Starbook book solutions fundamentally change the book industry in many ways. An industry that is by no means on the brink of extinction, but which is undergoing profound change. The haptic, the design or the surface of books, which can be so simple and yet represent a form of art. Books are tangible works of art that bring young and old together.

Economic efficiency
fewer errors and downtime

short transport routes and less waste

Customer needs
titles available on demand
The automation of the Starbook book solution optimizes production, resulting in fewer errors and downtime. This in turn results in less paper waste during ongoing production.
With the Hunkeler Starbook book solution, books can be produced close to the end customer, which protects the environment through short transport routes. In addition, there is much less waste.
All titles ever published are available on demand and can be produced and delivered within a very short time.